Screen notes

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Minimal GNU Screen

`Screen` allows you to start shells and disconnect and reconnect them from any location. You can start a shell at work; disconnect; go home and reconnect to the same shell. A single screen session can group multiple shells. A user can have multiple screen sessions.

command-line screen arguments

  • `screen` -- start new screen session with one virtual screen.
    • C-a d -- disconnect the session. The session continues in the background as a daemon. You can reconnect later.
  • `screen -r` -- reconnect to a disconnected session.
  • `screen -rd` -- force a disconnect of a connected session and then reconnect.

control commands inside of screen session

  • C-a ? -- Show help
  • C-a d -- Disconnect
  • C-a c -- Create New virtual screen in the current session
  • C-a n -- Next screen
  • C-a p -- Previous screen
  • C-a esc -- Enter Copy/Scrollback mode (esc again to exit scrollback mode). Scrollback mode is very useful.
    • Use Vi-like keys to move around the scrollback history (the usual h,j,k,l for cursor, C-u for half page UP, C-d for half page DOWN).
    • Press SPACE to start selecting a region. Press SPACE again to Yank the region.
    • Press "C-a ]" to paste the yanked text into the current screen.


This is the .screenrc I use. It isn't complicated, but it does show you clearly which screen you are attached to and I like the status bar that shows how to get help. This is a helpful failsafe for users that forget "C-a ?" :-)

Download .screenrc <include svncat src="file:///home/svn/src/dotfiles/.screenrc" highlight="sh" />

multiuser sessions

The `screen` command must be setuid root. This is a security vulnerability, so learn what setuid root means before you do this. As a rule of thumb, setuid is fine for a desktop developer's box, but a bad idea for a production machine. You may also need to set permissions for /var/run/screen to 755.

sudo chmod u+s `which screen`
sudo chmod 755 /var/run/screen
  • `screen -S session_name` -- Start a new session with a given name. This makes it easier to find with `screen -ls` described below.
  • `screen -ls` -- list the available sessions.
    • `screen -ls username/` -- list the sessions of a given user. Note the trailing slash.
  • `screen -x username/sessionname` -- connect to a connected session. Use this to share sessions with other people. This is much like `kibitz`.

The session owner starts screen. The owner should give it a name so it is easy to find.

screen -S shared

Once screen has started the session owner needs to turn on multiuser mode and allow a given friend access.

C-a :multiuser on
C-a :acladd friend_username

The friend will then start screen and tell it to connect to the owner's session.

screen -x owner/shared