Tortoise SVN with PuTTY

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TortoiseSVN with PuTTY key pairs

This will allow you to authenticate once with SVN, so you don't have to enter your password every time you access the SVN server. This is useful when you are using the svn+ssh method of accessing the server.

1. Get putty and install it:

or here:

2. In your "Start menu | All Programs " you should see a new menu "PuTTY".

3. Under PuTTY open "Pageant".

   Note: This will show up on your applet bar in the lower right on Windows.
   This needs to run continuously to automatically authenticate for you
   when you connect to SVN. You can put this in your Start menu if you want.

4. Also open "PuTTYgen".

5. Click "Generate" to create a new key pair.

6. See the "Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file" and below that enter a "Key passphrase" and "Confirm passphrase".

7. Click "Save private key". I save the file in my SVN repository.

   It should be called "id_rsa.ppk".
   Keep this safe as it unlocks your account on the SVN server.

8. Select All and Copy the text from the text box, "Public key for pasting into OpenSSH authorized_keys file". It should look something like this:

ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAAQJQAAAIEAo73h1A5bcGdIv5U6IE1Q1vq3wp1YJUkn4y2vZHvwJQMOFdi7JnGNNl5kUW2Sh0KE5VVw4nAxjSjKh7n+uToks6Gp2NAQ2o14kzUBeefX5uE01q0dLoRdCEIn2PTxpyzDKtRojLRcBS62IIiWmUG0n1AOF2QdtNfaCT+DfcP2aKM= rsa-key-20060809

9. Login to your remote server and edit your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

   You might have to create it (if so, be sure to chmod the file to 600 and chmod ~/.ssh to 700).
   Paste the Public Key that you copied from PuTTYgen. Write the file and you can logout of the
   remote server.

10. On your local Windows machine Right-click on the Pageant icon (looks like a black hat on a monitor

   on the applet tray).

11. select "Add key"

12. select the "id_rsa.ppk" that you saved in step 7.

13. TortoiseSVN should now authenticate automatically through Pageant.