Bash notes

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Clear all environment variables

This will delete all environment variables except for a few explicitly allowed to stay.

unset $(env | grep -o '^[_[:alpha:]][_[:alnum:]]*' | grep -v -E '^PWD$|^USER$|^TERM$|^SSH_.*|^LC_.*')

Redirect entire output of a script from inside the script itself


# This demonstrates printing and logging output at the same time.
# This works by starting `tee` in the background with its stdin
# coming from a named pipe that we make; then we redirect our
# stdout and stderr to the named pipe. All pipe cleanup is handled
# in a trap at exit.

# This is the exit trap handler for the 'tee' logger.
on_exit_trap_cleanup ()
    date --rfc-3339=seconds
    # Close stdin and stdout which closes our end of the pipe
    # and tells `tee` we are done.
    exec 1>&- 2>&-
    # Wait for `tee` process to finish. If we exited here then the `tee`
    # process might get killed before it hand finished flushing its buffers
    # to the logfile.
    wait $TEEPID
    rm ${PIPEFILE}
    echo "Closed logfile: ${LOGFILE}"
tee_log_output ()
    mkfifo ${PIPEFILE}
    tee ${LOGFILE} < ${PIPEFILE} &
    # Redirect subsequent stdout and stderr output to named pipe.
    exec > ${PIPEFILE} 2>&1
    trap on_exit_trap_cleanup EXIT

echo "Logging stdin and stderr output to logfile: ${LOGFILE}"
date --rfc-3339=seconds
echo "command: $0"
echo "pid:     $$"
sleep 1
date --rfc-3339=seconds

This works only in Bash 4.x.

# This will send output to a log file and to the screen using an
# unamed pipe to `tee`. This works only in Bash 4.x.
exec > >(tee -a ${LOGFILE})

date --rfc-3339=seconds
echo "command: $0"
echo "pid:     $$"
sleep 1
date --rfc-3339=seconds

Turn off bash history for a session

set +o history

Rename a group of files by extension

For example, rename all images from foo.jpg to foo_2.jpg.

This is somewhat more clear:

for filename in *.jpg ; do mv $filename `basename $filename .jpg`_2.jpg; done

This is more "correct" and doesn't require `basename`:

for filename in *.jpg ; do mv $filename ${filename%.jpg}_2.jpg; done

Usage Function

exit_with_usage() {
    local EXIT_CODE="${1:-0}"

    if [ ${EXIT_CODE} -eq 1 ]; then
        exec 1>&2

    echo "TODO: This script does something useful."
    echo "Usage: $0 [-h | --help]"
    echo "  -h --help         : Shows this help."

    exit "${EXIT_CODE}"

Special Shell Variables

all parameters separated by the first character of $IFS
all parameters quoted
the number of parameters
option flags set `set` or passed to shell
exit status of last command
pid of last background command
pid of this script or shell
name of this script of shell
arguments of last command (with variables expanded).

Variable Expansion and Substitution

Bash can do some freaky things with variables. It can do lots of other substitutions. See "Parameter Expansion" in the Bash man page.

  • ${foo#pattern} - deletes the shortest possible match from the left
  • ${foo##pattern} - deletes the longest possible match from the left
  • ${foo%pattern} - deletes the shortest possible match from the right
  • ${foo%%pattern} - deletes the longest possible match from the right
  • ${foo=text} - If $foo exists and is not null then return $foo. If $foo doesn't exist then create it and set value to text.

brace expansion versus backtick expansion for command substitution

Backtick expansion works in even the oldest Bourne shell variant. It cannot best nested without quoting.

echo `ls /boot/`

Brace expansion works in any POSIX Bourne shell (sh, ash, dash, bash, etc...).

echo $(ls /boot/*$(uname -r)*)

Although you can do it if you quote the inner backticks:

echo `ls /boot/*\`uname -r\`*`

quote output in echo to preserve newlines

Echo converts newlines to spaces. This can be useful for substituting in loops. Quoting the argument will preserve the newlines.

This converts newlines to spaces:

echo $(ls /boot/)

The following preserves the newlines output from `ls`:

echo "$(ls /boot/)"

absolute and relative paths

Convert a relative path to a absolute path. It is stupid that there is not a command to do this. This does not effect the current working directory. This finds the absolute full path to $1:

echo "absolute path: `cd $1; pwd`"

Get the absolute path of the currently running script.

abs_path_here=`echo -n \`pwd\` ;( [ \`dirname \$0\` == '.' ] && echo ) || echo “/\`dirname \$0\`”`


Loop on filenames in a directory

for foo in *; do {
  echo ${foo}
}; done

Loop on lines in a file

for foo in $(cat data_file.txt); do {
  echo ${foo}
}; done

while loop

This is kind of like `watch`:

while sleep 1; do lsof|grep -i Maildir; done

read -- get input from user

In Bash, the builtin command, `read`, is used to get input from a user. It will read input into a variable named REPLY by default or into a given variable name.

echo $REPLY
read YN
echo $YN

Remember, `read` is a builtin command, so to get information on using it use `help read`, not `man read`.

Get input directly from a TTY -- not stdin

By default `read` will read input from stdin, but there are situations when you want to get input from the user's TTY instead of stdin. For example, say you piped output from another program into your script then it would try to read input from the user, not the pipeline (what the script now sees as stdin). Another example, you want a boot script to ask the user for input before the console TTY has been opened and attached to stdin (getty) -- this situation came up while I was building an embedded Linux system where I needed to read input from the user through the serial port (/dev/ttyS0) during boot to allow for an optional boot sequence.

In this example, technically `read` still thinks it's reading from stdin -- wWe just redirect input from a tty file.

read YN < `tty`

The `tty` command will tell you which tty you are currently logged into. The console ttys are usually on '/dev/tty[0-9]+' and the virtual ttys used for SSH logins are on '/dev/pts/[0-9]+'.

$ tty

If you switch to a console screen (CTRL-ALT-F1 and ALT-F7 to return to X11) and then you login you will see that you now become the owner of /dev/tty1. Switch to a console and login then switch back to X11 (ALT-F7) and from a shell, you see that you now own /dev/tty1. When you logout /dev/tty1 will return to root ownership.

$ ll /dev/tty1
crw------- 1 root   root 4, 1 2009-01-04 06:02 /dev/tty1
$ ll /dev/tty1
crw------- 1 my_user tty 4, 1 2009-01-04 06:03 /dev/tty1

get yes/no input from user

    echo -e $1
    echo -e " [y/n] \c"
    read YN
    if [ -z "$YN" ]
        case "$YN" in
    if [ $rval -eq $INVALID ]
        echo "Invalid Response..."
    return $rval

read a single character key then return -- with no Enter required

The following is a discussion of `stty` command. In Bash and Korn shell you can already get a single character using `read`. The following will set the variable, CHARACTER, with a single key read from stdin: `read -r -s -n 1 CHARACTER`.

Using `stty` can get confusing because many different examples do the same things in seemingly different ways. The differences are because the `stty` command has redundant and complimentary ways of doing things. For example, `stty icanon` is the same as `stty -cbreak` and `stty raw` is the same as `stty -cooked`. Raw mode does the same thing and more as '-icanon'.

This reads a single character without echo. It works two ways. If you pass no arguments to `readc` then it will create the variable REPLY and set it to the character read from stdin. If you pass a variable name argument to `readc` then it will set the given variable name to the character read from stdin.

# This reads a single character without echo.
# If a variable name argument is given then it is set to a character read from stdin.
# else the variable REPLY is set to a character read from stdin.
# This is equivalent to `read -r -s -n 1` in Bash.
# These two examples read a single character and print it:
#     readc CHARACTER
#     echo "CHARACTER is set to ${CHARACTER}."
#     readc
#     echo "REPLY is set to ${REPLY}."
readc ()
    previous_stty=$(stty -g)
    stty raw -echo
    char=`dd bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null`
    stty "${previous_stty}"

    if [ -n "$1" ] ; then
        eval $1="${char}"

check if running as root

if [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]; then
    echo "You are root."

Or check if not root...

if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then 
    echo "You must be root to run this."

check if process is running

Show the pids of all processes with name "openvpn":

ps -C openvpn -o pid=

Show if a process with pid=12345 is running:

kill -0 12345
echo $?

Check if a process with a given command name and pid is still running. For example, check if ssh process is running with pid 12345: "checkpid ssh 12345". Checkpid script:

# example: checkpid ssh 12345
for QPID in $(ps -C $CMD -o pid=); do
    if [ $QPID = $PID ]; then
        echo "running"
        exit 0
echo "not running"
exit 1