Brain Maze

Revision as of 10:16, 1 March 2008 by Root (talk | contribs)
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This is a fractal algorithm I created for generating mazes. I think it's pretty neat. The original was written in C for a computer science class I was taking at UCSC. This version is in Python. The original would print spaces and hashes (#) to display the maze. This version also generates HTML.

This generates a random maze with no loops. It is a spanning tree -- a connected, undirected graph that uses all the vertices in a graph with no cycles.

You can run the brain maze algorithm by clicking here: Generate a Brainmaze

The mazes generated by this algorithm are made up of these "atmomic" mazes:

    # #    ###    ###    ###    # #    ###
    # #    # #      #    #      ###     #
    ###    # #    ###    ###    # #    ###

Or more simply (without rotations) these two atoms:

    ###    # #
    # #    ###
    # #    # #

Click here to download: <include svncat src="file:///home/svn/src/python/" highlight="python" />