
Revision as of 15:08, 23 March 2007 by Root (talk | contribs)
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I don't use Mutt that often. This is my .muttrc that seems to be the minimal that I need to get it working.

set mbox_type=maildir
set editor="vim"
# I like to see all my mail headers in my editor:
set edit_headers=yes
# don't wait for sendmail to finish (this runs sendmail in the background)
set sendmail_wait=-1
# this prevents Mutt from endlessly asking when you quit:
#     "Move read messages to ~/mbox? ([no]/yes):"
set move=no
# this prevents Mutt from endlessly asking:
#     "~/Mail does not exist. Create it? ([yes]/no):"
set folder=""
# if you use virtual mail hosts then Maildir might not
# be in the default location.
set spoolfile=~/Maildir/

# For IMAP connections use the following for folder and spoolfile.
# Note that the full mail username is "" and
# the server name is "localhost". If you wanted to connect to a
# remote server the full URL might be something like:
#     imap://
#set folder="imaps://"
#set spoolfile="imaps://"