Remount root partition

Revision as of 19:19, 23 July 2008 by Root (talk | contribs)
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Sometimes, due to hubris or stupidity, you end up with a bad fstab entry for your root or /etc partition. Linux will detect errors and conveniently mount it as read-only, but now you can't edit /etc/fstab to fix the problem. You could break out a live-CD to fix the problem, but you can also just remount the read-only partition without rebooting. The trick is don't forget the "-n" option.

-n     Mount without writing in /etc/mtab.  
       This is necessary for example when /etc is on a read-only file system.

For example, this will remount / with defaults (defaults contains "rw"):

mount -n -o remount,defaults /dev/sda1 /
mount -n -o remount,defaults /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol00 /

Interestingly, I found the only way I could check the current mount option status was by looking at /proc/mounts. Using the `mount` command will show you if the partition is mounted and it will show the mount options requested, but it won't show the mount options actually in effect. The following example tests for "ro" options status on the / mount. This will return 0 if / is mounted read-only or 1 if not:

cut /proc/mounts -f 2,3,4 -d " " | grep -q ^/\\W.*\\Wro