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Mount a Windows share on Linux

The mount command supports smbfs. Use it. Assuming you want to mount the folder \\server\SharedDocs. You'll need to resolve your Windows \\server name to an IP address. Assuming that \\server resolves to

Using cifs

mkdir SharedDocs
sudo mount -t cifs -o username=Guest // SharedDocs

Old style using smbfs

mkdir SharedDocs
sudo mount -t smbfs -o username=Guest // SharedDocs

Browse with smbclient

Don't put a trailing slash on the share name!

smbclient -UGuest //

Make SMB mounts persistent with fstab

Add the following to /etc/fstab and /media/SharedDocs will be automatically mounted when you reboot or run "mount -a". The IP address,, may be replaced with the Windows server name. You may also need to set username and password.

Using cifs

// /media/SharedDocs cifs auto,username=guest,password=,rw,user 0 0

Mount with a given group of admin and forced file and dir permissions.

// /media/SharedDocs cifs auto,sync,username=backup,password=badpassword,noatime,rw,user,gid=admin,file_mode=00664,dir_mode=00775 0 0

Old style using smbfs

// /media/SharedDocs smbfs auto,username=guest,password=,rw,user 0 0


If you get an error something like this:

smbfs: mount_data version 1919251317 is not supported

Then if probably means you don't have the smbfs module loaded. Under Ubuntu this is pretty easy to fix. Just run:

sudo apt-get install smbfs