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Create a new X11 display and share via VNC

This creates a new X11 display that is shared via VNC: `vncserver`

Share your existing X11 desktop with VNC

If you want to expose your currently running X11 session over VNC use `x11vnc`.


Just run it from the command-line with no arguments and then anyone can use a vnc client to use your desktop:


add a password

If you want to add a password to make it a little more secure:

 x11vnc -passwd MYPASSWORD

It has lots of options to make password connections more secure, but this works well enough for a quick and dirty session.

Keep Listening

After the first client connection has exited x11vnc will also exit. If you want to keep the server running so that you can connect multiple times then use the -forever option.

 x11vnc -forever


You can save all these options in a dotfile called .x11vncrc:

 forever # keep listening for new connections after a client disconnects.

SSH Tunneling

Say you want to see the X11 desktop of a remote machine. Fire up SSH. This command does two things. It creates a tunnel for port 5900 between the remote and local host. It also starts x11vnc on the remote host.

 ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 'x11vnc -rfbport 5900 -display :0 -localhost'

Now fire up a vnc viewer on your local host:

 vncviewer localhost:0

Note that you have to have port 5900 available on the remote and local hosts. VNC normally defaults to 5900, but I like to explicitly set the port so that I will easily see the error if the port is already taken.

text mode VNC

Use linuxvnc to expose a text terminal to VNC clients. See also vncommand.


channel 2: open failed: connect failed: Connection timed out

This is almost certainly due to a firewall restriction on the remote hosts that blocks the VNC port even for localhost connections. Check the iptables on the remote host for restrictions: `iptables -L`.

You may not see this error immediately. Running vncviewer may appear to freeze and do nothing. It will time-out after a few minutes. The annoying thing is that the SSH tunnel will not fail despite the fact that iptables is blocking connections to the localhost.